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L’Académie Professional Hair & Beauty
L’Académie Professional Hair & Beauty

Our salon brings that unmistakeable French chic to Shipston-on-Stour in the North Cotswolds. High standards and professionalism are our watchwords at L’Academie, together with friendly staff, top stylists, a welcoming atmosphere and 100% attention to detail and care for our clients.
Our team of stylists are expert cutters and when your treatment is preceded with a hair wash in one of our superb massage chairs, it’s an experience not to be missed! All our staff are trained to cut and colour to the highest standards.
An on going in-salon training programme as well as attendance at external training courses ensures that our skills are up-to-date and constantly inspired by new trends.
At L’Academie we approach every client with fresh eyes and by listening and caring about each individual we aim to always create a unique, personal style.